Thursday, January 8, 2009

Less Wisdom = More Happiness

I got my wisdom teeth removed on Monday. This wasn't something I had planned. My lower left wisdom tooth had been killing me slowly for the past week and it seems all dentists' offices are closed for the last two weeks of the year (must be nice). I was about to go to any chop shop in Tijuana but I figured I would call my dentist first. It was a longshot. Usually, I call in April to make an appointment and they don't have any openings til July. Surprisingly, they took me in. They said they could see me right away.

I went in at 9:30am. By 11:00am, the dentist had removed all four wisdom teeth. Here's the kicker - the post-op drugs cost half of what the stupid surgery cost. $69 for antibiotics? I could have gotten them for five bucks in TJ.

The Vicodin was surprisingly disappointing/unhelpful. The pain would have killed me by now if not for the grace of Anne, who suggested I take some Motrin. I think I am finally at the point now where I no longer need to take painkillers. *I think*. I keep asking John if he thinks I'm becoming an addict. As with every unusual event in my life, I always take it to the extreme and imagine the worst. When I pulled leg muscles in both my legs after my first (and only) spinning class many years ago, I imagined myself never exercising again and turning into a TLC special: The Heaviest Little Mexican in the World. That didn't happen. Yet.

So I started 2009 feeling four teeth lighter. Who needs wisdom anyway? I want ignorant bliss. I want to know DENTISTS remove widsom teeth. I do not want to know most people have their wisdom teeth removed by ORAL SURGEONS.

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