Friday, May 8, 2009

Monitoring Our Child

Ugh. The most annoying things happened a couple of days ago. Dally's video monitor went kaput.

It was faulty from the get-go. None of the buttons worked from the moment we took it out of the box, but it was a baby shower gift so as long as we were able to see and hear baby, whatever. Didn't matter that the volume was consistently at MAX. We learned to throw a towel over the speaker.

About six months ago, the volume went out completely. My cheapskate solution to this issue was to buy an audio monitor since it was $20 vs. a new video monitor ($100). The picture display was fine. It just had no audio, and sometimes, it's nice to just have picture and no audio - like when the little menace is fighting sleep at bedtime. We can see that he's fine, just screaming his head off because he wants to own the night.

The other day, when I went to plug in the monitor at night, it didn't power on. Turns out, the adapter wires broke off the connection jack. OH GREAT. We tried to MacGuyver it, using an old adapter connection, but then the thing started smoking. I think I done screwed it up even more. I should have just gone to Radio Shack. Anyway, now I'm trying to figure out what kind of monitor I should buy. It seems the monitors like ours - with the full TV monitor - are becoming obsolete. They're being replaced by the handheld ones, which I don't like because the display is too small. In my blindness, all I had to do was squint to see the little noodle at night. I'm afraid that won't do with the smaller video monitor. (Heaven forbid I actually place it on my nightstand, right next to my head. Talk about too close for comfort.)

But for now, it's a lonely existence without the omniscient presence of Dally in our room at night. We miss watching our son, especially when he starts talking to himself in the middle of the night. Even more so when he starts cracking up. You miss so much when you don't have surveillance.

I read this piece the other day about when you should stop using the baby monitor. Some people stopped using it when their kid turned one. I think that's insane. I'm thinking 24. Creepy?

1 comment:

Me said... is it a breach of privacy if we force them to take the monitors with them when they move out of the house? ewwwww.... forget it... that will be when he's married and I just don't need to know some things.

1? Ha.... try 100!