Probably the biggest item on my mega "To Do" list of 2009 is purge. Not the nachos I ate last night (though if I had the bravado I would). I am going to rid myself of all of the unnecessary things I have in my possession. Next weekend, I'm going to have the garage sale to end all garage sales. I'm even going to sell books. "Books?" you ask. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to part with books? I have double copies of many, many works of literature, some in Spanish AND English. Why? In case I come across the right person who needs to read this or that. I'm done with that illusion too. I don't even know people who read in Spanish.
This weekend I went over to my mom's house to address some boxes she had been housing for years (and had been threatening to throw out). Crapatola, I had two file boxes full of letters people had written me. Remember when people used to write letters? Anyway, it's really hard to get rid of awesome postcards, bizarro artwork, and other miscellaneous mail that is probably the best representation of what my life was like between the ages of 17-21, when email was something you'd heard of but hadn't used much. Getting old, getting old.
Anyhow, I couldn't bare to toss that stuff out so it went from one garage to another. Now it's in my space. What the hell do I do with all this stuff? Should I just suck it up and throw it all away or should I save it somehow? Scrapbook it? (Another illusion?) I'm taking suggestions.
DUDE!!!! I TOTALLY have letters, yes, hand-written letters, that people wrote me between say 6th grade through college and maybe a little beyond. I can't part with them and you shouldn't either. I am specifically saving them for the day I should die, in hopes that my children will go through the JUNK and realize how fucking cool I was and maybe, just maybe they should have respected me a bit more. Illusion. When I figure out what the fuck I am going to do with mine (assuming the bugs don't eat them them all) I will let you know and we can create together!
It's hard to get rid of letters, very hard.
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