Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Houston, we have a problem

So I was all stuck up about this pregnancy, thinking, "Man, I look great. I feel great. I'm not eating THAT much more. This is going to be a breeze."

Like most things associated with this whole breeding thing, I suspect I am underestimating a lot here. Especially the eating part. Because I just went to Wal-Mart (by myself, at night) and stocked up on corn dogs, ice cream, canned peaches, and apple sauce. And that;s just for today and maybe tomorrow. I will probably finish the pint, if not 3/4 of the pint, tonight. In my non-breeding days, I could maybe eat five or so spoonfuls before I was tapped out - not because of guilt but because it just made me full. Now, oy vey, I'm thinking I shouldn't have picked up the pint. I should have gone for the whole gallon.

This is what I ate today (so far) in chronological order:
Bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats
Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake
Pasta Salad
Tostitos Scoops (13 of them or one serving) with that Tostitos cheese dip
Strawberry ice cream

I sort of disgust myself.

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