Of all the holidays that exist in Western civilization, the one that appeals to me the most is the one that should appeal least to a mean, cynical, jaded miscreant like me. Halloween should appeal to me, but for reasons far too stupid to mention, I hate Halloween.
Fact of the matter is, I freakin' love Valentine's Day! I would totally wear a heart-themed "ugly" sweater I wasn't too cheap to buy one.
I think I've always loved Valentine's Day - ever since I was a kid and we had our little class parties with the stupid decorated shoe/mail box. My best friend Sarah and I would always go all out and get each other special presents like a half-heart necklace. When joined together, it reads Best Friends. It was the most important thing I owned in 6th grade. (Yes, I was very much like Sue Heck. Still am.)
So now that I'm a mother and I have a kid who is finally at the age where we can do cool things together (hang me if I don't find chasing him all over a playground a cool thing to do), I decided to go all out for Valentine's Day.
Although it's easy to marginalize my son's interest by just saying he's into 1969 Type 101 Von Rolls (yes, still) and trolleys, he also really likes piñatas, cupcakes, and painting - all three of which were part of my mega Valentine's Day party plan.
Since #2 is only 15 months old (still not walking, but we'll save that drama for another day) and is definitely not at the age to do cool things, I figured I would squeeze our Valentine's Day party in while he was sleeping. He takes long naps. Just like me.
John was going to be out playing paintball so it was just gonna be me and #1 and a whole lotta fun.
But then my sister-in-law called to see what we were up to. Hell yeah, her kids are also at an age where they can do cool things so they scored an invite to our little Valentine's Day fiesta. And this was the agenda:
- Make Valentines for loved ones.
- Hit the piñata.
- Eat cupcakes!!!
I don't like to brag, except when it comes to me and my piñata-making skills. Because #1 is really into Von Rolls, and that was the theme for his third birthday, and it would be deplorable on my part if there was no piñata at his birthday party (having a piñata was actually the reason we decided to have a birthday party in the first place), we needed something special. Let me tell you, don't expect to roll into Party City to buy a Von Roll piñata. They don't exist. Well, they don't if you're a regular dude. They do if you're my kid, because I, very quickly, thanks to the aid of Norma, learned how to make one. And it was pretty bitchin'.
So now I'm very cocky about pinata-making because I busted out a Valentine's Day pinata in less than 15 minutes. It wasn't crazy or anything, just an Amazon box and some tissue paper, but you should have seen the look on #1's face when he saw it. I practically had to restrain him with zip ties to keep him from whacking it until the cousins arrived.
Anyway, the party went down without a hitch. The kiddos had a blast making Valentines and hitting the piñata. I debated having them decorate their own cupcakes. Ultimately, I said to myself, "Settle down, Ace of Cakes, they're only three years old."
High from our successful little soiree, I had visions of doing little parties like this for all the holidays - St. Patrick's Day, Easter, May Day to celebrate the proletariat. Alas, my high eventually wore off and now I have returned to my usual, crabby self. But I'll see the Valentine-loving giddy me aproximately this time next year. Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day too.